Check Total Dismissed Active Translated
Starting newline 30 0 30 15
Starting spaces 1,672 2 1,670 1,539
Double space 756 2 754 692
Consecutive duplicated words 3,760 597 3,163 3,128
Ellipsis 11,766 17 11,749 11,749
Mismatched colon 547 16 531 482
Mismatched ellipsis 7 2 5 3
Mismatched exclamation mark 23,648 68 23,580 22,142
Trailing newline 16 10 6 5
Mismatched question mark 9,044 110 8,934 8,420
Mismatched semicolon 1 0 1 1
Trailing space 774 0 774 755
Mismatched full stop 131 25 106 76
Inconsistent 296 10 286 201
Long untranslated 345 0 345 345
Multiple failing checks 17,033 5 17,028 17,028
Mismatching line breaks 62,682 263 62,419 62,000
Unpluralised 1 0 1 1
Punctuation spacing 2,195 0 2,195 2,190
Unchanged translation 70 57 13 10
Has been translated 38 0 38 0


Customizable quality checks will help you improve the quality of translations.

The checks can help you identify problematic translations or source strings which are hard to translate.